Prima del Big Bang
Published in the art magazine, Arte - in.
Year XVIII. Issue 97. June/July 2005.
by Silvio Saura
Ferran Selvaggio: Catalan Artist of Sicilian origin. It moves on a lyrical and silent terrain, sometimes, stormy and disturbing others. In his search. It advances with various types of works pero with a single leitmotif: The dreamlike dimension elevated to artistic creation. A first series of works I love to define "surrealist in tridimensions".
They derive directly from the obscure visions that emerge from the traditional surrealistic window. The one from which he looks inside his dreams. They are wall sculcure made with ropes, cardboard and various recycling material that push the spectator to be hypnotized and delve into the search for mental fluids that dominate dreams.
You will be especially in doze to take advantage of the phase in which the most prolific is the dream production, and then directly pin what the imagination elaborates during this moment of unconsciousness, turns it into a little artist of other times. But it is the result to strike: The Tecnlca of the psychic automatism is not exhausted yet.
This is why the mental reworking of today's events. Of his personal life, of the society that surrounds us through this ancient way, leads to remarkable results.
The last collection-visible next Christmas in the halls of the gallery Ignacio de Barcelona-is made in gouache on various types of paper. But they are neither the mere means nor the result to be important; It's the union of the two. In these last works made with spot colors-black, white and red, fundamentally-the aesthetic results are apparentabill to those of an action painting from which it differs, however. By the way traveled towards these forms: it is not the nervous sign, agitated and liberator degi Americans, on the contrary it is a sign chained, in which it infuses all its emotional tension.
Dynamics and Speed
Photography by Diana Martín.